Frequently Asked Questions

Where is Kindness Kare located?

Kindness Kare services are offered in any surrounding areas of Shepparton including Nagambie, Seymour, Euroa, Mooroopna, Tatura, Kialla and most suburbs of Melbourne. If you are questioning if Kindness Kare can come to your home, please reach out and contact us for more clarification!

What age group do we work with?

Kate and the team at Kindness Kare thrive and have a strong passion for working with children. However, our services are open to all age groups. β™‘

Does care have to be within the home?

As support workers we are not limited to working at your home, we can work in a number of different settings to support you and your needs. As well as in home care, we work at a variety of locations including support in the community.